Thermistor Creation

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  1. Cut the MCP9701 TO92 leads to .313 or 5/16 inch in length.
    a small three prong MCP9701 TO92 before being cut down to 5/16 inch.
    MCP9701 TO92 before the leads have been cut.
  2. Bend the leads.
  3. Solder the leads of the MCP9701 TO92 to a three pin connector.
    Three pin connector soldered to the leads of the MCP9701 TO92 before heatshrink has been fitted to the leads.
    Three pin connector soldered to the leads of the MCP9701 TO92
  4. Heatshrink the soldered leads.
  5. Drill a shallow hole in the plastic part of the three pin connector to identify the MCP9701's GND signal.