Coil Trap 135 Creation

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3D model of a coil trap if it were to be cut in half. You would see the box materials that house the coils on the inside of the coil trap.
3D Model of the inside of a coil trap.
  1. Decide which coil trap helix pyrex is best suited for the system
    1. This can be done by testing how much stress is caused on the glass tubes that enter into the plumbing
  2. Gather the blue foam top and body, as well as required materials to make CT support
  3. Stick the pyrex glass into the inner cavity and use model for orientation
  4. Bend the thermocouple using the TC bending tool and stick into the cavity
    1. Orient the thermocouple so that it is centered along the back face where the air line tubes come out of
  5. Staple thermocouple into position with TC staple
    1. Orient the staple so that it misses the air line holes
  6. Insert an FTC plug into the top of the body(look at onshape for more help)
  7. Use the low-friction adhesive tape, and place a small piece on top of foam body
  8. Attach the top to the body
  9. Form the CT support around the blue foam
  10. Attach the CT into the line when the cherry tree says to do so