Furnace Carriage Kit Creation

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Revision as of 12:27, 15 August 2024 by Oscar (talk | contribs)
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Furnace carriage kit exploded
Furnace carriage kit exploded


  1. Refer to the model to determine the number of furnaces.
  2. Insert all 8-32 t-nuts into the 8020 strut.
  3. Slide in a 10-32 offset SS t-nut, two per 8020 bar, on each end.
    • The short end goes on the outside.
  4. Using a flat surface, attach the carriage end plate to both sides of the 8020 stock with the tabbed side on the same side as the offset t-nuts.
  5. Screw the carriage end plates in and confirm that the assembly is flat and the 8020 bars are not rotated in place.
  6. Assemble and attach the v-wheels to the offset t-nuts.
    • Leave these loose so that they can be positioned.
  7. Attach the carriage to the CEGS frame using an 8020 sliding lock.
    • Do not forget to install the carriage stops above and below the slide lock.
    • Check that when the slide lock is tightened the metal tab of the carriage end plate does not make contact with the metal of the CEGS frame.